Building a classroom library
Kick off for sport competitions
Celebrating DENIP Day
Old World Trade Crests (by 2 ESO)
NBA Basket Cities (by 4 ESO)
Famous comic heroes and heroines (by 1 ESO)
Road Safety Programme
Interesting videos:
Unicef and Pau Gasol (3 ESO)
EU initiatives (Youth Guarantee)
English Gothic Architecture (2 ESO)
Weather and Climate (1 ESO)
Old World Trade Crests (by 2 ESO)
NBA Basket Cities (by 4 ESO)
Famous comic heroes and heroines (by 1 ESO)
Road Safety Programme
Interesting videos:
Unicef and Pau Gasol (3 ESO)
EU initiatives (Youth Guarantee)
English Gothic Architecture (2 ESO)
Weather and Climate (1 ESO)
Building a Classroom Library
Kick-off for sport competitions
Dates and fixtures for sport competitions have already been established by the Physical Education Departament. This year teams will be named after famous British and American clubs; the aim is to improve knoledge and stimulate the interest in other countries and championships.
Apart from taking part in the sport competitions, pupils will have to do research and complete a project, which involves finding information not only about the assigned team but also about the corresponding cities. See details below