
Faraday's Exhibition

Comenius meeting: Schools on the mov(i)e

Special Days: Valentine's

Learning Portfolio 

1º ESO: Games and Sports

2º ESO: Great explorers and discoverers

3º ESO: Population

4º ESO: Totalitarism in Art

Faraday's Exhibition
from 4th to 18th February

Comenius meeting: from 19th to 22nd February


To see the meeting programme, just click here

Comic Contest


Special Days: Valentine's

2 CFGM Gestión Administrativo
What are the aims of this Vocational Training Course? its contents? professional competences? Year 2 students have tried to answer all these questions through a video

1º ESO: Comic heroes and heroines

2º ESO: Great explorers and discoverers

Christopher Columbus


Hidden Treasure Project

3º ESO: Population

Click here to see the video

4º ESO: Totalitarism 

Famous Dictators, how much can you remember about them?


Benito Mussolini


Past issues

Past issues
Issue 1

Past issues

Past issues
Issue 2